Our Arrow Traders team is responsible for weekly maintenance runs at Hurstville. Our trained team of professionals have the skillset to complete a range of tasks. We look to find the best solution to issues raised by the management team.
Fire Door Lock
One of the fire doors was not locking properly. Therefore, our trained staff repaired this door and made sure it was working. First, they housed out and refastened the top hinge. Then the strike plate was adjusted. Once this was completed, our team member secured the door lock and handle. As a result, the fire door could operate properly.
Hazard Tape
A potential trip hazard was identified in the Westfield Direct storeroom. The flooring was raised. Therefore, many pedestrians would not easily identify it. To overcome this issue, our team member used hazard tape. The tape was a non-slip yellow safety tape on the step to the storeroom. As a result, we ensured that people would easily see the trip hazard.
Parents Room Cabinet
One of the cabinets in a parents room was identified as broken. Therefore, during the maintenance run our team repaired this cabinet. They fixed the hinge and reattached the cupboard in the parents room.
Loose Push Bar
Also identified by the management team was a loose push bar on one of their corridor doors. Therefore, our team bolted the panic bar on the door as part of maintenance. As a result, our team helped resolve this problem.
Contact Us for Maintenance
To find out more about our weekly maintenance tasks and skills, please contact our team now. We would be happy to explain our maintenance process to you and provide you with pricing and quotes. If you have identified potential hazards or repairs, we would be happy to assist you.